The "Notify" setting for each TopView alarm condition sends notification at the time that the alarm occurs.
Global Escalation Templates allow the user to create additional notification behavior that can be assigned to existing alarms
(on the Escalation and Advanced Notification tab of the tag's Alarm Limits and Notification Settings screen).
These templates are "global" and visible to all TopView configurations.
If TopView is running when the user makes templates changes, the changes will be applied during the next template usage.
Each template consists of 1 to 50 steps. Each step condition is evaluated at a time after the alarm occurs (delay).
If the step condition is TRUE, notification is sent to the recipients. The order of the steps is not important, and the same delay
can be entered multiple times with different conditions and recipients. The delay value can be 0
to allow step condition evaluation at the time of the alarm.
If the delay is set to -1 the step will execute when the condition becomes TRUE and will not be included if
the template is repeated.